I fell in love with these antique doll heads after learning about their long journey back into existence.
These porcelain bisque heads are over 100 years old and have been dug from the grounds of a porcelain factory in Thuringia Germany around 1900. The heads are from dolls that were damaged at one time or another and thrown out into a pile that were covered up over time with dirt. The heads are usually broken off at the neck line and occasionally have a nick or crack on them depending on how they were handled.
These little heads which have survived all these years buried deep in the earth makes them even more special and rare.

I became facinated by their journey back into existence and decided that they needed to be brought back to their glorious selves. After a good cleaning I make their bodies out of wool roving which has been needlefelted and then begin to make the clothing and place them in their setting.
I love the old German Candy Containers and paper mache figures from this period so I try to place them in a similar setting. So my first 2 figures I decided to place in a Easter setting. New dolls will be made for different occasions depending on the doll. Some will also have porcelain arms and legs and some with the needle felting. So keep watching as new ones arrive. Each one is a One Of A Kind. Made with vintage trims and occasionally new trims if appropriate. They will be for sale in my Etsy Shop and Ebay.
Have a Blessed Day!!! ;-)