I wish I could say I was one of those artists that can start a doll and sees it to completion...but unfortunately that just isn't the way I work sometimes. Of course...when it does work out that way, I am happy as a lark, but most often I can sculpt a head and it can sit for days, months, even years before I get back to it again. I guess I start out with good intentions but if the doll doesn't become clear to me right away they get placed aside until one day the inspiration strikes again for me to pick them up and start again. Sometimes they turn into something completely different than I had envisioned. So...I thought I would show some of the ones that are here and there around my studio. Some are large doll heads, others are for full sculpts and so on depending on the size I am working in. Patient little things... waiting for their creator to pick them up and bring them to completion.....
(To see doll heads better just click on the photo to enlarge)
Me ;-)
P.S. Just a note to say I am still at it with Alice and Wonderland for those of you that are curious. The piece has become more involved than I had anticipated so is taking a little more of my time. Hope to show pics soon!!!
Oh my!! Those heads are so pretty! To me that is the hardest part of making an art doll; completing the head. It seems that to you is the other way around...LOL
Hope you give those beauties bodies soon, looking forward to seeing the end results.
Thanks Joanna and Vania! There are a couple that I am actually working on here and there. Just need more time! LOL You guys can relate to that I am sure!!!
Have a great week!
Hugs, Marcie ;-)
Aw..poor babies! They're chanting,"Body-Body, we wanna Body!!"
You may have a revolt at hand! LOL Lovely heads! Lynda
Lynda...LOL...You are probably right. Guess I better get busy!!!
Hugs, Marcie ;-)
What awesome work! I'm really looking forward to seeing the completed work. ;-)
Well, I must admit there is a small collection of waiting heads in my studio as well, Marci. When the time is right, though, everything just seems to come together for the Little One whose turn it is. What a great variety of characters you have created...it is fun just wondering who they will eventually become! I am looking forward to your Alice and will be closely watching!! love, Rose
Hi Rose! Thanks for stopping by. I hope to get back to Alice soon. I am presently working on a couple of Halloween pieces for a ADO challenge that is coming up. Seems like I am always running behind...Good hearing from you!
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