Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
"Be Back At Midnight" Pumpkin Fairy

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Stella my 1969 vintage camp trailer
The cowgirl image above is the only thing left I have to do on Stella. Taken from a vintage postcard which I have remade with new accents and imagery this image will be painted on the outside of my trailer next to the door. She will also be my new logo image for my business.

Hated these cushions, couldn't wait to get my hands on them.

Cowgirl Collage Quilt Wall Hangings
This quote is so very, very true! Doesn't she just look happy on the back of her faithful steed? A favorite belt buckle that my husband gave to me added just the right touch at the top of the quilt.
I thought this lady was so elegant in her own special way. I added a favorite heart shaped rock from my rock collection and some vintage flowers, buttons and rhinestones.
I think this one is actually my favorite. Love these quotes and the pictures of these ladies are wonderful. These women worked hard, had calloused hands but could also be so tender with their children and livestock. I admire them and try to pattern my life after them...
Good ol John Wayne. A favorite quote that I have used in my own life time and time again!!!
What can I say about Calamity Jane...comical, tough, witty and could handle a gun. True Grit in my opinion!
Love this quote...not sure who this cowgirl is but I thought she would say something like that! LOL
Classic quote from Annie Oakely. She was the coolest!!! And...she could out shoot most men in her day!
Alot of people don't realize that most cowgirls prided themselves in how they looked and presented themselves. Hours and hours went into their makeup and costumes before their shows. This picture reflects the workmanship that was put into her dress. Check out the equisite embroidery on her skirt. Gorgeous!!!
Vera McGinnis, 1923 One of my favorite cowgirls. Isn't she beautiful!!!
A couple of vintage postcard images that I love. These girls have ATTITUDE!!! Oh, No...they are packing too!!! LOL Altered then framed.
Hanging on one of my trailer walls....
Close up of full quilt..
Misc. Fun Additions to my trailer decor

One of my most favorite things is this antique leather and heart breast collar I found at a yard sale. It was hanging on a fence for years, dry and tattered. I was drawn to it by the heart shape but when I turned it over there was this gorgeous red rosette still in all of its brillant colors attached to the front of the leather heart. I was thrilled!! How it withstood the elements for that long...I am amazed. I brought it home, cleaned up the leather and silver and it now takes a place amidst my special horse tack in my home and trailer. Isn't it just beautiful!!!

Close up of floral rosette!