I thought I would share some pictures of some dolls that I have restored until I have a new photo of a OOAK doll to show you. This doll was purchased at a yard sale 3 years ago for $1.50 She was completely apart with her german glass eyes floating around in the bottom of the basket she was in. Mouse droppings were inside of her arms and legs. ( ;-O) Can you believe it!!! ) And by a miracle she had no cracks inside of her head. She was so dirty but I knew she was very old and could be brought back to her spectacular self. I restrung her, and had her eyes reset, resculpted one missing finger and cleaned her up. She still had the original wig just needed some cleaning and restyling. I am always searching for vintage laces and trims so I had purchased this particular dress several years ago. The old "Whites" as they are called are perfect for these old dolls. I altered the dress a little bit, made her shoes from a vintage german doll shoe pattern and dressed her as authentically as I could. She is from around 1910 so almost 100years old! I love her and she now looks so cute standing on a table in my guest bedroom. ;-)
You did an amazing job of restoring this little gal. She looks wonderful!
What a fantastic find for $1.50!
Thanks Sue! ;-) I was so excited when I found her I about fell over. It was so fun to fix her up. I really enjoyed it.... ;-)
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