As mentioned in previous posts I enjoy restoring old dolls when I get the time. So I thought I would share another group of photos of a doll I restored about a year ago. This dolls name is Flossie Flirt. She is from approx. the 1920's , made by Ideal Toy Co. and the thing that I love about her is she has these sweet little tin eyes that roll from side to side.
When I purchased her she was in such a disarray I felt so bad for her. Chiped paint all over the compostion and dirty. She was dressed in some kind of a German outfit which was totally inappropriate for her. As is with most of these dolls the clothing is tattered and usually not the original style that the doll was dressed in. I really try to dress them as closely as possible to the original style. I am always scouring antique shops and the internet for special dresses.
She did have her original shoes and socks which was nice but she was in terrible shape on her legs. Someone had used bandaging tape to hold her little legs together. Poor thing! ;-(
Her hair was a mess but still the original wig which I was happy about so I gave her a new do. and after much sanding, repairing and airbrushing I think I accomplished what I had set out to do. A friend gave me her little dress which looks so much cuter than the awful little thing she had on. A tiny cotton print with soft yellow flowers. I made her a new hair bow with a handmade silk ribbon flower that I made especially for her. I am looking for a little pin to place on the bodice of her dress. I think that would top it off very nicely.

Her dress was a little too long in the above picture and the style for this era was fairly short...showing their little bloomers so I hemmed the dress a little shorter to look more appropriate.
I know some people frown on doll restorations and yes in some instances the are not acceptable but I feel that if the doll so bad that they are not appealing to look at anymore and that further time is only going to damage them more I believe that is the time to do something to preserve them. are her before and after pictures. I hope you like them!
P.S. I also have a new OOAK doll that I will be showing real soon called "Polly and Tweets" a sweet little thing just in time for spring. Here is a snippet of one of Polly's friends and some pretty little singing bird music to get you in the mood for her new pictures. Come back real soon!!! ;-)
Marcie, you are so talented!! Your restoration work on that doll is very professional and so beautifully the little bird.. will return to see his companion.
Thank you Bonnie! I appreciate your thoughtful compliments. ;-)
What a wonderful doll restoration. She is beautiful!! Old dolls that have lost their appeal should be brought back to their original splendor.
Hi Dessa! I agree! Some are so badly damaged there is really nothing else to do but refurbish them. Always makes me feel good knowing that possibly someone down the road will love them and cherish them once more! Thank you for stopping by! ;-)
Dear Marcie
I cannot even imagine the amount of work that went into this restoration. She turned out beautiful... I cannot wait to see your new doll. Will check back often.
I am so honored to see my name on your list... Thank you so much!
and for visiting and the sweet note you left. It is most appreciated.
Dear Marcie
Thank you so much for the visit and leaving such a beautiful note!
I am looking forward to seeing you next doll.
My daughter Hali and I so enjoyed seeing the dramatic change in this little forlorn doll. She wanted me to tell you that Flossie "is soooo pretty AND happy now!!" She came alive under your tender touch.
And your chick-a-dee makes us long for spring...
love, Hali and Rose
You did such a good job with her!
Thank you so much Penny! Always appreciate you stopping by! Have a creative day!!! ;-)
Hello Rose and Hali ;-)
I am very happy that you like her new look.
I too... think she looks much happier now.
Hugs, Marcie
I love, love, love what you have done!
She looks just incredible. I would love to meet some one here in Tasmania that repairs dolls that I could learn from.
It feels to me that there are less and less people learning these skills. I could be wrong maybe I just haven't found these people yet. I know there was a doll hospital here many years ago but the woman that used to run it has now retired.
Fantastic work..thank you!!
I am floored at the restoration you did on this doll, she is beautiful! Wow I love your site, Sue at Barton Originals told me about you. I'm so glad she did, Pearl
Thank you BlackCrow! I agree... there doesn't seem to be many people doing this anymore. I see so many poor little dollies that could be so cute restored. I am constantly rescuing these poor things. LOL Just need more time to work on them all! Nice to meet you! Thank you for stopping by! ;-)
Hi Pearl! Thank you so much.
I try to restore these little girls whenever I get a chance. Just wish there was more time in a day. LOL
So happy you came by.
Sue is a delight and a great friend.
Have a creative day!
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